Refresh Standard Record Detail page explicitly using LWC

Use Case:

Since the inception of LWC, we have been using the lightning web components in many of the customizations. One of the areas is to embed our LWC in the Lightning Record Pages for any Standard and/or Custom objects. Right now, if we are using the Apex methods(Imperative approach) to update the record, we are not able to refresh or get the updated record detail page with the latest changes by default. 

In AURA we have the force:refreshView event which we can fire explicitly and the Lightning Data Service with update the cache. In LWC, we don't have any such event which allows the Lightning Data Service refresh the cache. To achieve this with LWC, there are couple of approaches

  1. Fire refreshView event from LWC: Considered as a workaround as not an ideal approach.
  2. Use getRecordNotifyChange in LWC: This approach is more promising and assures of great performance and stability. It fetches record updates for the specified record IDs and refresh the Lightning Data Service cache, providing your wires with the latest record data. Call this function to notify Lightning Data Service that a record has changed outside its mechanisms, such as via imperative Apex or Visualforce, or by calling User Interface API via a third-party framework.

To ensure that getRecordNotifyChange() is called after the record is updated via Apex(Imperative call), use the async/await annotated function or a Promises in JavaScript.

Benefits of using getRecordNotifyChange:

Calling getRecordNotifyChange(recordIds) signals that the data for the provided recordIDs has changed, so that the Lightning Data Service cache and wires are refreshed.

  • It is an advanced version of force:refreshView
  • Unlike force:refreshView, it refreshes those record details only whose Ids are specified and given to getRecordNotifyChange
  • Better performance
  • It can update more then one records. All you need is to provide the array of record ids to this method. See example here.


  1. Create APEX class Accounts
    public class Accounts {    
        public static Account updateAccountRecord(String recordId, String accountName) {
            Account acc = new Account(Id = recordId, Name = accountName);
            update acc;
            return acc;
  2. Create LWC updateRecordDetail
    • updateRecordDetail.html
          <div class="slds_card">
              <!-- Example of auto UI refresh with LDS -->
              <div class="recordEditForm">
                  <lightning-record-edit-form object-api-name={objectApiName} record-id={recordId}>
                      <lightning-input-field field-name={name}></lightning-input-field>
                      <div class="slds-var-m-top_medium">
                          <lightning-button variant="brand" onclick={handleSubmit} label="Save via LDS">
              <!-- Example of auto UI refresh with Apex call -->
              <div class="regularInput" if:true={account}>
                  <lightning-input name="Account Name" label="Account Name" value={accountName} required="true">
                  <div class="slds-var-m-top_medium slds-list_horizontal">
                      <div class="slds-var-p-right_small">
                          <lightning-button variant="brand" onclick={handleSave} label="Save via ui Record API utility">
                          <lightning-button variant="brand" onclick={handleSaveApex} label="Save via Apex">
          <div if:true={showSpinner}>
              <lightning-spinner alternative-text="Loading" size="medium"></lightning-spinner>
    • updateRecordDetail.js
      import { LightningElement, api, wire } from 'lwc';
      import NAME_FIELD from '@salesforce/schema/Account.Name';
      import ID_FIELD from '@salesforce/schema/Account.Id';
      import { ShowToastEvent } from 'lightning/platformShowToastEvent';
      import { updateRecord, getFieldValue, getRecord, getRecordNotifyChange } from 'lightning/uiRecordApi';
      import updateRecordApex from '@salesforce/apex/Accounts.updateAccountRecord';
      const accountFields = [NAME_FIELD];
      export default class UpdateRecordDetail extends LightningElement {
          @api recordId;
          @api objectApiName;
          showSpinner = false;
          name = NAME_FIELD;
          //get the account name field property
          get accountName() {
              return getFieldValue(this.account, NAME_FIELD);
          @wire(getRecord, { recordId: '$recordId', fields: accountFields })
          wiredAccount(value) {
              if (
                  this.account =;
                  this.account = undefined;
          //update the record with lightning record edit form LDS service
              event.preventDefault();       // stop the form from submitting
              const fields = event.detail.fields;
              console.log('in updateRecord LDS');
              this.showSpinner = true;
                  new ShowToastEvent({
                      title: 'Success',
                      message: 'Account Name updated using LDS',
                      variant: 'success'
              this.showSpinner = false;
          //update the record with uiRecordAPI 
          handleSave(event) {
              let accountName = this.template.querySelector("lightning-input").value;
              const fields = {};
              fields[ID_FIELD.fieldApiName] = this.recordId;
              fields[NAME_FIELD.fieldApiName] = accountName;
              const recordInput = { fields };
          //refreshes the cache defaultly
          updateRecord(recordInput) {
              console.log('in updateRecord uiRecordAPI');
              this.showSpinner = true;
                  .then(() => {
                          new ShowToastEvent({
                              title: 'Success',
                              message: 'Account Name updated using uiRecordAPI',
                              variant: 'success'
                      this.showSpinner = false;
                  .catch(error => {
                      console.log('error in updateRecord: ' + JSON.stringify(error));
                      this.showSpinner = false;
          //update the record with apex 
          handleSaveApex(event) {
              let accountName = this.template.querySelector("lightning-input").value;
          //refreshes the cache explicitly
          updateRecordApex(accountName) {
              console.log('in updateRecord Apex');
              this.showSpinner = true;
              updateRecordApex({ 'recordId': this.recordId, accountName })
                  .then(() => {
                          new ShowToastEvent({
                              title: 'Success',
                              message: 'Account Name updated using Apex',
                              variant: 'success'
                      //either use the eval row(#100) or getRecordNotifyChange row(#101) to refresh cache explicitly
                      getRecordNotifyChange([{ recordId: this.recordId }]);
                      this.showSpinner = false;
                  .catch(error => {
                      this.showSpinner = false;
                      console.log('error in updateRecordApex: ' + JSON.stringify(error));
    • updateRecordDetail.js-meta.xml
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <LightningComponentBundle xmlns="">
  3. Update Account Flexi page: Edit the Account flexi page(Lightning Record Page) and add the new LWC updateRecordDetail and save.



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